The Orphan is a gripping short film by Carolina Markowicz that tells the story of a young boy named Jonathas who has been returned to an orphanage multiple times. Jonathas grapples with the dilemma of how to behave in order to be adopted and feel a sense of belonging.
With powerful performances and masterful direction, The Orphan is a deeply affecting exploration of identity, sexuality, and the human experience. Inspired by true events.
The Orphan is a gripping short film by Carolina Markowicz that tells the story of a young boy named Jonathas who has been returned to an orphanage multiple times. Jonathas grapples with the dilemma of how to behave in order to be adopted and feel a sense of belonging.
With powerful performances and masterful direction, The Orphan is a deeply affecting exploration of identity, sexuality, and the human experience. Inspired by true events.