Documentary filmmaker Peter Nestler portrays his grandfather Eric von Rosen (1879-1948). As a photographer, Rosen undertook numerous research trips to South America and Africa at the beginning of the 20th century. Through his detailed reports and photographs, he became an important chronicler of the indigenous tribes whose culture was threatened with destruction by colonialism. After his travels, von Rosen participated as an anti-Semite in an association of Swedish Nazi groups from the 1930s onwards.
Documentary filmmaker Peter Nestler portrays his grandfather Eric von Rosen (1879-1948). As a photographer, Rosen undertook numerous research trips to South America and Africa at the beginning of the 20th century. Through his detailed reports and photographs, he became an important chronicler of the indigenous tribes whose culture was threatened with destruction by colonialism. After his travels, von Rosen participated as an anti-Semite in an association of Swedish Nazi groups from the 1930s onwards.